Science Researcher Update

Translational Bioinformatics Workshop

Written by Stela BCI | Dec 11, 2014 3:12:03 PM
Workshop - London, United Kingdom
This five-day intensive course will cover key aspects of modern genomics data analysis, including next-generation sequencing and applications to drug target and biomarker discovery. The workshop is based on theoretical lectures from international subject experts, coupled with practical and interactive ‘hands-on’ sessions.
Participants will acquire knowledge and comprehension of the following items:
1. Genomics and bioinformatics and the opportunities opened up by their application to translational research and patients’ healthcare.
2. Modern genomics technologies and the nature of the high-throughput data generated: microarrays and next-generation sequencing.
4. Bioinformatics and analytical principles, approaches, software and programming tools (R, Bioconductor) for the analysis of different types of data
5. Analytical strategies and computational workflows
5. Associations between molecular and phenotypic/clinical information to discover disease associated genes and molecular biomarkers
6. Concept and methodologies for patients stratification and personalized medicine
7. Application of NGS genomics approaches for analysis of cancer samples
8. Statistical considerations for study design and hypothesis testing.
9. Data storage, analysis, integration, management and interrogation: IT technologies and challenges
Organization: NIHR Biomedical Research Centre at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and King’s College London
 Translational Bioinformatics Workshop
Mon, Jan 19, 2015 - Fri, Jan 23, 2015
NIHR Biomedical Research Centre at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and King’s College London
Floor 16, Tower Wing, Guy's Hospital, London SE1 9RT, United Kingdom
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