Science Researcher Update

The TGF-β Superfamily: Signaling in Development and Disease

Written by Stela BCI | May 27, 2015 7:12:00 AM
Conference - Snowmass, CO, United States
This FASEB Science Research Conference (SRC) focuses on the TGF-β family of secreted polypeptides that are important during animal embryogenesis, during tissue specification and patterning, and during adult life tissue homeostasis. Expansion of this field into unexpected areas of biology and disease pathogenesis is exemplary, and in part, due to high throughput efforts that serendipitously bring scientists to the world of TGF-β. All thematic areas have been carefully selected to fit nicely to the current activities of major pharmaceutical platforms that aim at exploiting this field for the generation of new diagnostics and therapeutics for a variety of human disorders. These areas include: signaling networks and crosstalk, stemness in development and disease, plasticity and morphogenesis in development and disease, tissue microenvironment dynamics in embryos and disease, homeostatic and metabolic control of growth and disease, inflammation, vasculature and tissue transformation and differentiation processes and therapeutic frontiers. This conference will seek to strengthen interactions between those scientists studying molecular mechanisms and those studying development and disease, and will attract scientists from seemingly distant fields, who recently entered the TGF-β field. The conference program planned so far is truly global and represents the breadth of TGF-β family biology. Many oral presentations will be selected from the abstracts and the sessions have been organized to blend young with senior investigators and diverse biological models (small organisms to human disease models) within the above thematic areas. The oral presentations together with three poster sessions and the recreational afternoon sessions will ensure a good blend between young and more advanced investigators, students and postdoctoral fellows that can use this time productively towards building collaborations and scientific exchanges. Daily lunch sessions are also planned to enhance interactions between aficionados of the field and leading pharmaceutical companies with young and new incomers. The conference program provides significant level of renewal and dives into new areas of biology and technological fronts, thus providing an inspirational scientific environment that can foster the future of this field in basic developmental-cell biology and in applied-translational biomedical areas of investigation.
Organization: FASEB

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Sun, Jul 12, 2015 - Fri, Jul 17, 2015
Base Village Conference Center,
Snowmass, CO
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