Science Researcher Update

The Evolution of Sequencing Technology: A Half-Century of Progress

Written by Stela BCI | May 28, 2015 8:23:00 AM
Meeting - Cold Spring Harbor, NY, United States
The opening session will include a tribute to Frederick Sanger, the father of DNA sequencing, and will cover the early efforts in protein, RNA and DNA sequencing. Other sessions will cover advances over the years in the capture of raw sequence information; the hurdles that had to be overcome to scale these methods to generate the millions of reads required for complex genomes; and the development of strategies and software development that converted these millions of reads into larger segments and, ultimately, whole genomes. Also covered will be the adaptation of DNA sequencing to measure a variety of biological functions and how the dramatic decrease of the cost of DNA sequencing has led to an increasing appreciation of the significance of human variation in health and disease and to improved undertanding of our evolution as a species.
Organization: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
The Evolution of Sequencing Technology: A Half-Century of Progress
Thu, Jul 16, 2015 - Sun, Jul 19, 2015
CSHL Campus
Cold Spring Harbor, United States
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