Science Researcher Update

The Crossroads of Lipid Metabolism and Diabetes

Written by Stela BCI | Mar 5, 2015 3:02:14 PM
Conference - Copenhagen, Denmark
The prevalence of obesity and Type 2 diabetes are reaching epidemic proportions throughout the world. One of the key features of these insulin-resistant disorders is disturbances in lipid metabolism. The goal of this meeting is to provide attendees with the latest advances in the understanding of mechanisms governing the metabolism of lipids and how these pathways become dysregulated in the insulin resistant state. Elucidation of mechanisms underlying lipid metabolism may reveal new therapeutic strategies to combat atherosclerosis and other complications of diabetic patients. This program will stimulate interactions that are likely to augment and accelerate this process.
Organization: Keystone Symposia
The Crossroads of Lipid Metabolism and Diabetes
Sun, Apr 19, 2015 - Fri, Apr 24, 2015
Tivoli Hotel and Congress Center
Copenhagen, Denmark
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