Science Researcher Update

The Biological Code of Signaling - A Tribute to Tony Pawson

Written by Stela BCI | Dec 9, 2014 4:28:22 PM
Conference - Steamboat Springs, CO, United States
Prompted by the recent loss of one of the brightest stars in the life sciences, this Keystone Symposia meeting has been designed we are planning a Keystone Symposia meeting to honor the memory of Tony Pawson. The cellular world that Tony, with others, unlocked consists of dynamic protein networks created through the interactions of different protein modules, which together drive almost every intra- and inter-cellular decision process we know today. The symposium spans the entire spectrum of fields that have been touched by Tony Pawson's prolific and inspiring research, while maintaining a strong forward-looking perspective.
Organization: Keystone Symposia
The Biological Code of Signaling - A Tribute to Tony Pawson
Sun, Jan 11, 2015 - Fri, Jan 16, 2015
Sheraton Steamboat Resort
Steamboat Springs, United States
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