Science Researcher Update

Congressis 2015, the 12th International Congress for Medical Students & Young Doctors

Written by Stela BCI | Feb 18, 2015 1:51:47 PM
Congress - Iasi, Romania
It gives us great pleasure to invite you to CONGRESSIS 2015, the 12th International Congress for Medical Students and Young Doctors!
Between the 2nd- 5th of April 2015 in the beautiful city of Iasi, Romania you will have the opportunity to take part in one of the most prestigious and awaited medical events.
It will be our aim to continue the success story of Congressis 2014, and to make this year’s congress a scientific highlight at which the best in fields of bioethics, fundamental and surgical science is presented.
Once, a Chinese philosopher named Confucius said that "a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step". We believe that the medical profession is a never ending process of learning and gaining experience. As a doctor, you always have to be up-to-date with discoveries in the medical world and to be open-minded. Explore your surroundings, believe in your own possibilities of becoming a great doctor!
Make that "single step" and participate in your next medical quest, Congressis 2015!
This year we offer yet another engaging and spectacular medical congress with amazing conferences, useful workshops and inspiring doctors as guests.
The motto for Congressis 2015 is "Learn. Research. Experience." because we believe that the heart of medicine beats in the same rhythm as doctor’s hearts! The love and care for the patients should be as important as the level of scientific knowledge, but it's always the human part that gives us strength and courage to continue doing our job. Synchronize your heart’s rhythm with Congressis 2015 and you will find Medicine in a heartbeat!
Organization: Medical Students' Society Iasi
CONGRESSIS 2015, the 12th International Congress for Medical Students and Young Doctors!
Thu, Apr 02, 2015 - Sun, Apr 05, 2015
University of Medicine and Pharmacy " Grigore T. Popa ", Iasi
Iasi, Romania
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