Science Researcher Update

Joint DIA/ICOS Conference on Cardiac Toxicity

Written by Stela BCI | Oct 9, 2014 1:58:00 PM
Conference - Prague, Czech Republic

There is a tremendous amount of mechanistic overlap between targeted cancer therapy and cardiovascular tissues. Important drugs that may be active on cancerous tissues are increasingly likely to have significant collateral effects on cardiac tissues. Understanding the underlying mechanisms, and how to detect these problems early and manage them effectively, can allow a critical drug for cancer efficacy to continue to develop as a clinical therapy. Additionally, tailoring the pharmacology of a potential cancer therapeutic based on known mechanistic insights is an essential area of preclinical development. Furthermore, enhancing interactions between cardiology and oncology at all levels of clinical trials allows for optimal patient outcomes.

Organization: DIA Europe
Joint DIA/ICOS Conference on Cardiac Toxicity

Thu, Oct 09, 2014 - Fri, Oct 10, 2014

Dorint Hotel Don Giovanni

Vinohradska 2733/157a, Prague, 13020, Czech Republic

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