Science Researcher Update

Tokyo Translational Therapeutics Meeting: Homeodynamics in Clocks, Sleep & Metabolism

Written by Stela BCI | Sep 16, 2014 12:10:00 PM


Symposium - Tokyo, Japan

A goal of this symposium will be to provide a forum to exchange innovative ideas to tackle the unifying questions at the interface of clocks, metabolism, and sleep.It is opportune to convene this international symposium in Japan to create a forum with two goals. First, we seek to gather an intimate yet broad cross-section of investigators to pose provocative questions that will focus on the unknown rather than the known. Participants will highlight challenges and new strategies to dissect these obstacles in their research. A second goal will be to feature research from a cross-section of experimental systems, including early stage model organism work through target-based discovery in mammalian systems. Overall, an objective will be to provide renewed focus on therapeutic opportunities.

Organization: International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine

Tokyo Translational Therapeutics Meeting: Homeodynamics in Clocks, Sleep and Metabolism

Wed, Sep 24, 2014 - Wed, Sep 24, 2014

Ito Hall, Ito International Research Center, The University of Tokyo

7-3-1, Hongo, Bunkyou-ku, Tokyo, Japan

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