Science Researcher Update

Workshop on Biorelevant in vitro Performance Testing

Written by Stela BCI | Sep 16, 2014 12:47:00 PM


Conference - Amsterdam, Netherlands

Workshop on Biorelevant in vitro Performance Testing of Orally Administered Dosage Forms.
Jointly organised by FIP and DIAOverviewBiorelevant in vitro performance testing of orally administered dosage forms has become an important tool for the assessment of drug product in vivo behaviour.

Biorelevant dissolution/release testing is useful for the evaluation of formulation and food effects on plasma levels and intraluminal dosage form performance after administration of oral drug products.

It has also been utilised to decrease the number of in vivo studies required during the drug development process and to mitigate the risk related to in vivo bioequivalence studies.

This workshop will discuss data on the luminal environment, its simulation, biorelevant in vitro performance testing methodologies that can be applied during product development, as well as relevant in silico modelling methodologies

Organization: DIA Europe

Workshop on Biorelevant in vitro Performance Testing

Wed, Sep 24, 2014 - Thu, Sep 25, 2014 (1:00 PM - 5:00 PM)

Hotel NH Musica

van Leijenberghlaan 221, 1082 GG, Amsterdam, Netherlands

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