Science Researcher Update

Academic Discovery Workshop 2014

Written by Stela BCI | Sep 14, 2014 3:10:00 PM


Workshop - Baltimore, MD, United States

The drug discovery landscape is facing many challenges and changes fuelled in part with the ongoing de-risking efforts by the Pharma industry; seemingly downsizing their footprint or exiting the space all together. The emerging new paradigm seems to be revolving around academic and non-for-profit institutions to carry out the discovery part of the process across a multitude of therapeutic areas. What has started as a successful interactive workshop for academic screening for the past three years, has now evolved to encompass all discovery aspects from technology development, hit identification, to licensing deals.

This new format will continue to provide delegates the opportunity to learn as well as share experiences about enabling technologies, hit to lead generation, dealing with academic tech transfer offices, identifying and working with CROs, and interrogating the value proposition of functional genomics in translational research. Organised by Dr Hakim Djaballah, Director of the HTS Core Facility at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, our 4th Annual Academic Discovery Workshop will take place at the Sheraton Baltimore North in Baltimore.

Organization: SELECTBIO

Academic Discovery Workshop

Tue, Sep 23, 2014 - Thu, Sep 25, 2014

Sheraton Baltimore North

Towson, MD 21204, United States

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