Science Researcher Update

2nd European Conference on Aniridia

Written by Stela BCI | Sep 10, 2014 6:57:00 AM


Conference - Zelarino (Venice), Italy

During the 2 days, ophthalmologists, geneticists, pediatricians and research scientists from Europe and the USA will address topics such as the management of glaucoma and cataract, the genetic bases of aniridia and which treatment to develop for the pathologies affecting the ocular surface and the posterior segment.Each session includes keynote lectures and a panel of leading experts in congenital aniridia for discussion. A special session on the clinical management of patients in pediatric age and on a comprehensive programme of care and assistance for them will be held on Saturday morning.

On Saturday afternoon the conference will be open to patients and their families, thus allowing the Aniridia community and experts to both learn from each other.

Organization: Fondazione Banca degli Occhi del Veneto ONLUS

Please visit for further information and updates.

Fri, Sep 19, 2014 - Sat, Sep 20, 2014

Fondazione Banca degli Occhi del Veneto ONLUS

c/o Padiglione G. Rama, Via Paccagnella 11, Zelarino (Venice), Italy

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