Science Researcher Update

4th LIN Symposium "Synaptic function & synaptic pathology in disease"

Written by BCI Staff | Jul 31, 2014 10:50:00 PM


Symposium - Tangermünde, Germany

The Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology will organize from the 25th to the 28th of August 2014 the 4th LIN Symposium.

The meeting will focus on very recent developments in synapse biology. A group of excellent scientists from Europe, Asia and the USA will cover several different aspects of synaptic and neuronal function. We will discuss the assembly of the pre- and postsynapse, the dynamics of trafficking of protein components and molecular and cellular mechanisms of synaptic plasticity. Changes in the synaptic protein composition, long-distance communication and regulation of protein trafficking as well as homeostatic and clustered plasticity will be covered at the meeting. One major aspect of the meeting will be the synaptic pathology in brain disease conditions.
In addition to the invited speakers we will select 6-8 speakers from submitted abstracts for shorter presentations.
The venue (the small Hanse town Tangermünde with a center that dates back to the 11th century) provides an optimal setting for novel interactions and interesting discussions.

Organization: Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology

4th LIN Symposium "Synaptic function and synaptic pathology in disease"

Mon, Aug 25, 2014 - Thu, Aug 28, 2014

Schlosshotel Tangermünde

Amt 1, 39590 Tangermünde, Germany

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