Science Researcher Update

EMBO workshop: Intercellular Communication in Plant Development & Disease

Written by BCI Staff | Jul 28, 2014 9:15:00 PM


Workshop - Bischoffsheim, France

Plants are sessile organisms that need to respond to changing environments during development. As a result they have evolved unique signalling mechanisms through plasmodesmata that allow rapid communication between different parts of the plant. Communication through plasmodesmata involves the trafficking of informational macromolecules such as transcription factors, gene transcripts, and small RNAs. Moreover, viral pathogens exploit these cell wall channels for intercellular and systemic spread, which often results in serious crop diseases. The EMBO workshop will bring together scientists working on plasmodesmata structure and regulation, plant development, defense signaling, gene silencing, and virus movement.

Organization: EMBO

Intercellular Communication in Plant Development and Disease

Sun, Aug 24, 2014 - Fri, Aug 29, 2014

“Le Bischenberg”

Bischoffsheim, France

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