Science Researcher Update

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 2014 Course - Brain Tumors

Written by BCI Staff | Jul 21, 2014 10:11:00 PM


Course - Cold Spring Harbor, NY, United States

This one week discussion course will provide a clinical overview of brain tumors and emphasize molecular mechanisms involved in the growth and development of brain tumors with special emphasis on neural differentiation, signaling mechanisms, DNA replication, chromatin modulation, stem cells, mouse models, genomics, imaging techniques, genetically modified mouse techniques, nanotechnology, mechanism-based therapeutic strategies, and biobanks and ethical concerns.Attendees will be able to interact with senior investigators on a one-to-one basis in an informal environment. All non-faculty students will be considered for a generous stipend depending on stated need. Applications are invited from medical and graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, faculty, and clinicians and scientists.

Organization: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Brain Tumors

August 6 – 12, 2014

CSHL Campus

Cold Spring Harbor, NY, United States

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