Science Researcher Update

FASEB SRC: Biology and Pathobiology of Kruppel-Like Factors

Written by BCI Staff | Jul 30, 2014 11:31:00 PM


Conference - Snowmass, CO, United States

The 2014 FASEB Science Research Conference on focuses on recent advances in our understanding of the KLFs, an important family of transcriptional regulators, currently numbering 17, and will also include talks on the closely related Sp transcription factor family.Held twice previously, this FASEB Conference is the only international conference devoted specifically to the KLFs. The major themes of the conference will be the function of the KLFs in stem cells and development, vascular biology, epigenetic regulation, metabolic control and disease, differentiation, inflammation, tumor biology, and cell signaling.

The cross-disciplinary nature of this conference will bring together investigators with divergent interests and will establish new interactions and collaborations. Additionally, this FASEB Conference features specialized programs and seminars targeted to trainees and junior investigators. Conference attendees are expected to include cardiologists, developmental biologists, gastroenterologists, geneticists, immunologists, oncologists, stem cell biologists, and structural biologists.

Organization: FASEB

FASEB SRC: Biology and Pathobiology of Kruppel-Like Factors

Sun, Aug 03, 2014 - Fri, Aug 08, 2014

Base Village Conference Center

Snowmass, Colorado

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