Science Researcher Update

FASEB SRC: Folic Acid, Vitamin B12, and One Carbon Metabolism

Written by BCI Staff | Jul 29, 2014 10:42:00 AM


Conference - Steamboat Springs, CO, United States

This 2014 FASEB Science Research Conference focuses on recent advances in the study of folate, vitamin B12 (cobalamin), methionine and sulfur amino acid metabolism as they pertain to the fields of nutrition, public health and policy, genetics, basic biology and clinical medicine.

This long-standing inter-disciplinary conference held every two years since 1986, attracts a wide variety of attendees: physician-scientists, basic scientists, population geneticists, epidemiologists, nutritionists and representatives from national and international nutritional and public health monitoring agencies. Previous conferences discussed and helped implement important policies such as the Folate – Food Fortification which was then enacted in the United States and Canada.

New exciting aspects of methionine metabolism such as the new role of hydrogen sulfide as the third gaseous messenger, and study of the genetics and metabolomics of folate and cobalamin-dependent pathways which are yielding insights into obesity, cancer, liver and cognitive diseases will be included in the up-coming meeting. The meeting is also an excellent opportunity for more junior scientists, and graduate and students to present oral abstracts and posters and meet on an informal basis and discuss their research with the leaders in this specialized area of biology and metabolism.

Organization: FASEB

FASEB SRC: Folic Acid, Vitamin B12, and One Carbon Metabolism

Sun, Aug 03, 2014 - Fri, Aug 08, 2014

Steamboat Grand

Steamboat Springs, CO

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