Science Researcher Update

Computational Cell Biology: Mechanistic Modeling for Experimentalists

Written by BCI Staff | Jul 10, 2014 12:42:00 AM


Course - Cold Spring Harbor, NY, United States

Computational cell biology is the field of study that applies the mathematics of dynamical systems together with computer simulation techniques to the study of cellular processes. The field encompasses several topics that have been studied long enough to be well established in their own right such as calcium signaling, molecular motors and cell motility, the cell cycle, and gene expression during development. In addition to providing a recognizable larger community for topics such as these, this course will provide a base for the development of newer areas of inquiry – for example the dynamics of intracellular second-messenger signaling, of programmed cell death, of mitotic chromosome movements, and of synthetic gene networks. Unlike computational genomics or bioinformatics, computational cell biology is focused on simulation of the molecular machinery (genes-proteins-metabolites) that underlie the physiological behavior (input-output characteristics) of living cells.

Organization: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Computational Cell Biology: Mechanistic Modeling for Experimentalists

Tue, Jul 22, 2014 - Mon, Aug 11, 2014

CSHL Campus

Cold Spring Harbor, NY, United States

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