Workshop - Chelmsford, United Kingdom
Molecular tools such as PCR and ELISA allow the sensitive and specific detection of nucleic acids and proteins, respectively, and are widely used as research tools as well as for the diagnosis of a broad range of human, animal and plant diseases.The proximity ligation assay (PLA®) is an innovative quantitative, sensitive and relatively inexpensive immunoassay platform, which can be adapted for numerous assay formats. The technology allows the exquisite sensitivity and dynamic range of real-time PCR to be applied in antibody-based detection of proteins and other analytes. PLA offers several advantages over traditional ELISAs, including better sensitivity (~100-fold) and broader dynamic range (4 logs vs. 2.5 logs), simpler workflow (requiring no wash steps) and faster time to results (<2.5 hours vs. >5 hours). PLA is also useful for in situ analysis of differential protein expression, protein-protein interactions as well as post-translational modifications and it extends the limits of biomarker quantification. Conventional methods for protein analysis are challenging to implement into diagnostic assays because they are relatively insensitive, not readily applied to quantification or rely on specialised equipment
Organization: EMBO
Simultaneous Profiling of RNA and Protein using Proximity Ligation Assay
Mon, Jul 07, 2014 - Mon, Jul 07, 2014
Postgraduate Medical Institute, Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford UK
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