Science Researcher Update

EMBO Practical Course: Correlative Light Electron Microscopy

Written by BCI Staff | Jun 27, 2014 11:45:00 PM


Course - Bristol, United Kingdom

This EMBO Practical Course aims to train young scientists in the available techniques in the field of life science Correlative Light Electron Microscopy.

Students will be given a theoretical overview of the techniques and the rationale behind why a particular method is applied to a scientific question. After that they will get experience of most of the techniques and they will be provided with practical tips and tricks by the experienced teaching staff. 

This course aims at having a strong interaction / discussion between the students and the lecturers. Swhere students are encouraged to challenge the techniques, propose alternatives, and discuss how CLEM can be applied to their own specific research questions. To this end a lot of the work will be performed in small groups with a high staff to student ratio (almost 1:1).

Correlative Light Electron Microscopy

Sun, Jul 06, 2014 - Fri, Jul 11, 2014

Wolfson Bioimaging Facility Medical Sciences Building
University of Bristol, Bristol, UK

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