Science Researcher Update

Big Brains or Big Data: Evolution of Innovation

Written by BCI Staff | Jun 19, 2014 11:31:00 PM


Conference - Cambridge, United Kingdom

Innovation is the key to humans' success as a species. The human capacity for innovation is unparalleled in the animal kingdom. Yet the process of innovation is still an unresolved mystery. The graduate conference at the Division of Biological Anthropology at University of Cambridge aims to bring together experts from diverse backgrounds, such as evolutionary anthropology and computer science, to answer the questions: Why do humans innovate? What cognitive processes are involved in innovation? Does innovation require individual genius? Or is innovation only limited by the availability of ideas and information to combine? How will novel information technology change the process of innovation and future cultural evolution? This conference will feature live and online talks and culminate in a panel discussion. All talks and discussions will be streamed live on the web. This event is open to everyone interested in human evolution, cognition, technology and their roles in innovation. For more information please refer to our website.

Organization: Division of Biological Anthropology, University of Cambridge

Evolution of Innovation: Big Brains or Big Data?

Fri, Jun 27, 2014 - Fri, Jun 27, 2014

Mill Lane Lecture Room 1

Silver Street, Cambridge, United Kingdom

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