Science Researcher Update

The Molecular and Developmental Biology of Drosophila 2014

Written by BCI Staff | Jun 18, 2014 12:29:00 AM


Conference - Kolymbari, Greece

The principal theme of the EMBO Conference is the Molecular and Developmental Biology of Drosophila. The conference has been supported by EMBO for over thirty years and awarded the status of EMBO CONFERENCE in 2000.  This will be the 19th biennial Crete meeting.

The objective of this EMBO Conference is to bring together an international group of principal investigators to present their findings on gene organisation and expression, development, pattern formation, neurobiology and the evolution of Drosophila.

The meeting is one of a small number of international workshops that cover a broad topic while limiting attendance to about 100 participating principal investigators in order to foster close interactions between leading Drosophila research labs.

Organization: EMBO

The Molecular and Developmental Biology of Drosophila

Sun, Jun 22, 2014 - Sat, Jun 28, 2014

Orthodox Academy of Crete,
730 06 Kolymbari,
Chania, Crete, Greece

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