Science Researcher Update

Biology of Parasitism - Marine Biological Laboratory Course

Written by BCI Staff | Jun 14, 2014 8:10:00 PM


Course - Woods Hole, MA, United States

A unique course for advanced graduate students, postdocs, and independent investigators, who are seeking thorough training in modern approaches to the study of protozoan and helminthic parasites.The focus of this course is on the molecular basis of parasite function and the host/parasite interaction with special emphasis on the most recent and exciting developments in these areas. The course consists of daily lectures juxtaposed with intensive experimental work. About 40 invited speakers will give a lecture in their area of expertise and meet informally with students. These lectures will cover virtually all of the systems and areas of active research in modern parasitology. The laboratory portion of the course strikes a balance between ensuring that students acquire the technical expertise necessary to pursue these areas of research in their own careers while maintaining the element of the search for the unknown. Furthermore, the students will have the opportunity to work side-by-side at the benchtop with faculty recognized as leaders in their respective fields. The following areas are among those to be covered in the experimental portion of the course: (1) antigenic variation and cytoadherence in malaria; (2) vector biology: Anopheles mosquitos and phlebotomine sandflies; (3) immunology and pathogenesis of protozoan and helminthic infections and (4) African trypanosome and Toxoplasma host parasite interactions and cell biology.

Organization: Marine Biological Laboratory

Biology of Parasitism

Fri, Jun 20, 2014 - Sat, Aug 09, 2014

Marine Biological Laboratory

Woods Hole, MA, United States

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