Science Researcher Update

Workshop on Quantitative Pharmacology & Systems Biology in Pharmaceutical Development

Written by BCI Staff | May 31, 2014 12:54:00 AM


Workshop - Dublin, Ireland

Pharmaceuticals form the basis of the majority of treatments in medicine. Pharmacokinetics (PK – how the body affects the drug) and pharmacodynamics (PD – how the drug affects the body) are quantitative sciences that represent cornerstones of developing new and efficacious disease treatments. A rigorous understanding of PK and PD is required by the drug approval agencies of most nations. The modern approach in the field of PK/PD is the development of models based on mechanisms of drug action and their alteration of physiological processes.

This 2.5 day workshop will highlight the principles, techniques, and applications of PK/ PD modelling in drug discovery, development and regulatory approval. Modelling and simulation allow the optimal design, integration and quantitative interpretation of pharmacological endpoints that range from molecular biology to human responses and can greatly expedite the drug development process.

Organization: National Institute for Cellular Biotechnology

Workshop on Quantitative Pharmacology and Systems Biology in Pharmaceutical Development

Wed, Jun 18, 2014 - Fri, Jun 20, 2014

The Helix

Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland

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