Science Researcher Update

Nowgen course: Fundamentals of next generation sequencing

Written by BCI Staff | May 28, 2014 9:49:00 PM


Course - Manchester, United Kingdom

This one-day course is aimed at researchers and scientists from the NHS, academia and industry who require an introduction to next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies.Delegates will learn about the main sequencing platforms, their underlying chemistry and sample preparation approaches. The course will cover the varied applications of NGS technologies in diagnostic genetics, clinical research and public health microbiology. Case studies will demonstrate how NGS is currently being used and the bioinformatic considerations will be discussed.

Learning outcomes:
Delegates will:

• Describe the main NGS platforms and the sequencing chemistry they use
• Identify the main applications of NGS in the biological sciences
• Explain how each platform can be deployed to solve different biological problems
• Describe how samples are prepared for sequencing
• Identify how scientists are currently applying NGS technologies in their research
• Describe the main bioinformatic considerations including: data storage and data governance

Organization: Nowgen

Fundamentals of next generation sequencing

Wed, Jun 18, 2014 - Wed, Jun 18, 2014

The Nowgen Centre

29 Grafton Street, Manchester, United Kingdom

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