Science Researcher Update

Nutrition Society Irish Section Meeting 2014: Changing dietary behaviour: physiology through to practice

Written by BCI Staff | May 30, 2014 11:44:00 PM


Conference - Coleraine, Ireland

The Nutrition Society Irish Section meeting 2014 has been designed to reflect aspects of changing dietary behaviour from its study through to practical approaches for effective dietary change.The aim of the meeting is to explore a range of topics relevant to changing dietary behaviour, delivered by a variety of national and international world renowned experts. Attendees will have the opportunity to gain the latest cutting edge research and updates on how we can change dietary behaviour through novel methodologies being employed in physiological approaches, new technologies for conducting and communicating nutrition research with exploration of new methods for motivating behaviour change, and how we can put theory into practice.

In addition there will be several opportunities to network with colleagues from basic science, nutrition, dietetics, public health and industry during the meeting, and by attending our vibrant social programme.

Organization: The Nutrition Society

The Nutrition Society Irish Section Meeting 2014: Changing dietary behaviour: physiology through to practice

Wed, Jun 18, 2014 - Fri, Jun 20, 2014

Univeristy of Ulster, Northern Ireland

Cromore Road, Coleraine, BT52 1SA, Ireland

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