Science Researcher Update

Functional Genomics and Systems Biology: Wellcome Trust 2014 Course

Written by BCI Staff | May 27, 2014 10:33:00 PM


Course - Hinxton, Cambridge, United Kingdom

This intensive laboratory and computer-based training course introduces participants to a wide range of post-genome techniques including practical experience in performing RNAi experiments, expression profiling using the latest platforms and hands on experience with sample preparation procedures for Illumina high throughput sequencing.Laboratory work will be complemented by training in state-of-the-art approaches to data analysis and interpretation through the use of a range of bioinformatics resources and systems biology tools, including R, Bioconductor, network analysis (e.g. BioLayout Express3D) and pathway modelling. Particular emphasis will be placed upon the integration of complementary approaches to ask specific biological questions.

The course will include seminars by distinguished international speakers who will present cutting-edge research in functional genomics and systems biology.

Organization: Wellcome Trust

Functional Genomics and Systems Biology

Wed, Jun 18, 2014 - Fri, Jun 27, 2014

Wellcome Trust Genome Campus

Hinxton, Cambridge

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