Science Researcher Update

2014 FASEB Science Research Conference: Immunoreceptors

Written by BCI Staff | May 22, 2014 7:20:00 PM


Conference - Steamboat Springs, CO, United States

This 2014 FASEB Science Research Conference is aimed at bringing the most recent advances in the field of immunoreceptors, in a highly interactive environment. Immunoreceptors are pivotal to immune function. They are broadly defined as receptors expressed by immune cells, including T cells, B cells, NK cells, monocytes, dendritic cells, mast cells, macrophages, etc.

They play a central role in coordinating the inflammatory and autoimmune response, are important to host defense mechanisms against tumor and infections, and thus central to many therapeutic approaches. The meeting has a particular emphasis on antigen receptors, adhesion molecules, complement receptors, immunoglobulin family receptors and Fc receptors.

These topics have enormous relevance for both academic research and biotech/pharmaceutical industries because the critical roles of immunoreceptors play in immune system and many new drugs reaching the clinic or in development are targeting immunoreceptors and/or associated ligands. The meeting intends to bring together the basic academic research with clinical and bio-pharmaceutical drug development into one forum and to foster their collaborations.

Organization: FASEB

FASEB SRC: Immunoreceptors

Sun, Jun 15, 2014 - Fri, Jun 20, 2014

Steamboat Grand

Steamboat Springs, Colorado

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