Science Researcher Update

1st International Symposium on Stress-Associated RNA Granules in Human Disease & Viral Infection

Written by BCI Staff | May 11, 2014 9:31:00 PM


Symposium - Halifax, Canada

The field of RNA granule biology and how it impacts human disease is developing at a rapid pace.RNA granules are structures that manage the efficiency of gene expression in cells. When cells sense different kinds of stress (e.g. environmental stress or the stress of viral infection), RNA granules help to pause and reprogram cellular gene expression, so the cell can survive the stressful event. Thus, RNA granules play important roles in maintaining a healthy cell. It is becoming increasingly appreciated that defects in RNA granule formation and function are a feature of many human diseases. Because of this, we are initiating an international symposium to bring together leaders in the field of RNA granule biology as it relates to human disease.

Organization: RNA Granules 2014

1st International Symposium on Stress-Associated RNA Granules in Human Disease and Viral Infection

Sun, Jun 08, 2014 - Tue, Jun 10, 2014

Dalhousie University

5850 College Street, Halifax, Canada

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