Science Researcher Update

EMBO Workshop on Cellular imaging of lipids

Written by BCI Staff | Apr 30, 2014 10:29:00 PM


Workshop - Naples, Italy

The development of molecular imaging has been a revolution in cell biology. Cellular imaging of proteins and nucleic acids has, indeed, contributed to our understanding of the topology and dynamics of many biological processes. Lipids are fundamental cell constituents and powerful regulators of most cellular events, yet lipid-imaging technologies have developed to a much less satisfactory degree. Thus, although biochemical studies have provided a detailed description of the synthesis and disposal of cellular lipids, their compartmentalization and trafficking are much less understood. This knowledge gap reveals the need for the development of new strategies to image lipids in their biological contexts. This EMBO Workshop is aimed at gathering together people with backgrounds in lipid biochemistry and cell biology with people developing the most advanced technologies to image lipids in biological samples. The expected outcome of this workshop will be to stimulate discussion among experts in the different fields to produce new ideas to tackle the future challenges in lipid-imaging and lipid biology investigation.

Organization: EMBO

Cellular Imaging of Lipids

Mon, Jun 02, 2014 - Fri, Jun 06, 2014

Aequa Hotel, Via Filangieri, 46/48,

80069 Vico Equense, Naples, Italy

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