Science Researcher Update

FASEB SRC: Phospholipid Cell Signaling & Metabolism in Inflammation & Cancer

Written by BCI Staff | May 1, 2014 9:10:00 PM


Conference - Niagara Falls, NY, United States

FASEB SRC offers a continuing series of inter-disciplinary exchanges that are recognized as a valuable complement to the highly successful society meetings. Divided into small groups, scientists from around the world meet intimately and without distractions to explore new approaches to those research areas undergoing rapid scientific changes.

The main topics are: signal transduction, cancer, inflammation, lipid imaging and therapeutics. The goals of the meeting are to include cutting-edge topics in phospholipid metabolism and cell signaling that include a strong component in translation to human diseases.

Out of the 4 recognized diseases that lipids are known to play a role (type-II diabetes, heart and vascular diseases, inflammation and cancer) we have chosen to concentrate on inflammation and cancer as the other two are amply covered in other scientific meetings. As such, we are broadening considerably the target audience with investigators in those areas, keeping the right balance with the existing interest of more regular attendees.

Organization: FASEB

FASEB SRC: Phospholipid Cell Signaling and Metabolism in Inflammation and Cancer

Sun, Jun 01, 2014 - Fri, Jun 06, 2014

Sheraton at the Falls

Niagara Falls, NY, US

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