Science Researcher Update

Healthcare Provider Fraud - Global ComplianceTrainings Webinar

Written by BCI Staff | Apr 24, 2014 9:04:00 PM


Webinar - Online

Physicians are placed in a position of trust, couple that with complicated lingo and a lack of understanding of medical practices, and fraud will be endemic.Often times the actions of the physicians are not questioned, as long as patient continues to improve. Healthcare fraud can be concealed in plain sight and innocent consumers – despite their diligence – may not see it. So who is responsible for finding it, reporting it, prosecuting it and invariably stopping it? If not stopped it will continue to increase.

Types of Fraud

Licensing fraud

Bundling versus unbundling

Place of service

Multiple billing

Billing for services not provided

Prescription drug fraud

Detecting provider fraud

Preventing healthcare fraud

Reporting fraud

Trends and impacts

Organiser: Global Compliance Trainings

Speaker: Denise Cicchella

25th April 2014 (10:00 AM - 01:00 PM)

201,N Squirrel road, Auburn Hills Suite 1007
Michigan 48326, United States of America


Phone: 2482120588

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