Science Researcher Update

EMBO Conference Series: 'Cellular signalling and cancer therapy'

Written by BCI Staff | Apr 23, 2014 7:24:00 PM


Conference - Cavtat, Croatia

This EMBO Conference focusing on cancer biology and therapy follows the successful series of three EMBO Conferences on cellular signalling and molecular medicine.The processes involved in cancer initiation and progression are highly complex, and a detailed knowledge of the involved mechanisms at molecular, cellular and organismal level is needed to improve both diagnostic tools and patient treatment. Genomic and post-genomic/proteomic technologies have not only delivered a wealth of information about the complex networks underlying carcinogenesis, but at the same time broke the ground for new strategies in developing modern anti-cancer treatments. This EMBO Conference brings together leading experts from different scientific disciplines to discuss new findings and future challenges in cancer research.

Fri, May 23, 2014 - Tue, May 27, 2014

Hotel Croatia, Frankopanska 10, 20210 Cavtat-Dubrovnik


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