Science Researcher Update

10th Annual Oxford RNAi Conference, RNAi 2015

Written by Stela BCI | Feb 13, 2015 1:44:50 PM
Conference - Oxford, United Kingdom
The 10th Annual Oxford RNAi Conference, RNAi 2015, will discuss short and long non-coding RNAs, their roles in gene regulation, functional studies, as biomarkers and their therapeutic applications. Considerable attention will be given to chemical design and in vitro and in vivo delivery strategies for small RNAs. Key topics to be covered include:
>Short and long non-coding RNAs in gene regulation
>RNAi therapeutics
>High-throughput screens
>siRNA chemical modification and formulation
>Small RNA delivery – in vitro and in vivo
>MicroRNAs and other non-coding RNAs as biomarkers
>Clinical trials
Oxford RNAi conferences offer best scientific programme in Europe, attracting aglobal participation of leading scientists from both industry and academia, postdoctoral researchers and students. These conferences provide an excellent opportunity to establish new collaborative links with academic and industrial colleagues and to strengthen and expand customer base.
Organization: LPMHealthcare
RNAi 2015
Tue, Mar 24, 2015 - Thu, Mar 26, 2015
St Hilda's College
Cowley Place, Oxford, United Kingdom
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