Science Researcher Update

Regulation and Function of Small GTPases

Written by Stela BCI | Apr 24, 2015 10:11:00 AM
Conference - West Palm Beach, FL, United States
This FASEB Science Research Conference (SRC) focuses on small GTP-binding proteins regulate diverse cellular processes including proliferation, migration, development, gene expression, and vesicular trafficking. Deregulation of small GTPases and their downstream effector pathways is important in oncogenesis, as well as metabolic, vascular and developmental disorders. The historical strength of this meeting lies in its focus on unravelling complex signal transduction pathways and using state-of-the art technologies and refined model systems. The 2015 meeting will provide an interdisciplinary scientific environment that brings together individuals that work on different GTPases and utilize different scientific approaches: biochemistry, cell biology, mouse models, systems biology, functional genomics, computational biology and membrane biophysics. Translational discoveries and progress in GTPase-directed therapeutics will be highlighted. Whilst there is a prominent cancer theme, the conference will provide mechanistic insight into the operation of GTPases in many biological systems. This meeting is the only forum that brings together an international group of researchers with signal transduction and cell biological expertise with investigators that the study the biology of pathway deregulation in cancer and developmental models. A large number of oral presentations will be selected from the abstracts, and the selected talks, poster presentations, and recreational activities will provide established scientists, students and postdoctoral fellows opportunities to exchange ideas and formulate new collaborations. To foster the development of the next generation of researchers there will also be a series of formal mentoring and networking sessions.
Organization: FASEB
Regulation and Function of Small GTPases
Sun, Jun 07, 2015 - Fri, Jun 12, 2015
Marriott West Palm Beach
West Palm Beach, United States
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