Science Researcher Update

PI3K-like Protein Kinases

Written by Stela BCI | Aug 8, 2015 4:48:00 PM
Conference - Milan, Italy
Meeting topics:
- DNA damage
- Cell growth
- Apoptosis
Cellular responses to DNA damage and other forms of cell stress are frequently mediated though a set of phosphoinositol-3-kinase-related kinases, including ATM, ATR, DNA-PK and mTOR. Individually and in combination these kinases control cascades of cell signaling that control such diverse processes as mitosis, DNA replication, DNA repair, protein synthesis, protein degradation and apoptosis. Recent observations have contributed to connect the DNA damage response with non-nuclear events such as metabolic reactions and cytoskeleton dynamics, which are also controlled by phosphoinositol-3-kinase-related kinases. Although some of these kinases are discussed at meetings on DNA damage or other meetings about protein synthesis and degradation, and still others on apoptosis, these topics are almost never gathered under one umbrella.
Organization: Abcam Events
PI3K-like Protein Kinases
Tue, Nov 03, 2015 - Thu, Nov 05, 2015
Milan, Italy
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