Science Researcher Update

Pharma Nutrition 2015

Written by Stela BCI | Feb 27, 2015 10:52:34 PM
Conference - Philadelphia, PA, United States
This will be our 3rd Pharma-Nutrition conference and as in previous years, will be entirely dedicated to discussing the latest research, concepts and applications of medical nutrition in patient treatment and disease management. This conference will uniquely integrate the presentations on the role of the human microbiome and how it impacts both pharma and nutritional approaches in disease outcomes. This international conference is your opportunity to learn and share research, and to meet and network with your peers across the community of pharmacology, nutrition specialists and microbiome experts who work on the interface of pharma-nutrition.
Organization: Elsevier Ltd
Pharma Nutrition 2015
Mon, Apr 13, 2015 - Wed, Apr 15, 2015
Hilton Philadelphia City Avenue Hotel
Philadelphia, United States
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