Science Researcher Update

Personalized Medicine: Genetic Testing for Predicting Opioid Response

Written by Stela BCI | Mar 20, 2016 1:10:24 PM


Webinar - Online
1.5 billion people worldwide suffer from chronic (recurrent and long-lasting) pain, in the US alone this exerts more than a $600 billion drain on the US economy annually due to lost productivity. The prevalence of pain conditions must be addressed in a comprehensive, all-encompassing manner. To seek explanation for the variability of opioid response is one of many important facets in easing the burden of chronic pain upon our society, as is understanding the heritability of pain.
This exclusive webinar will explore the following considerations:
- The epidemiology of pain and its impact upon quality-of-life
- Patho-physiology of pain
- Heritability and genetics of pain
- Pharmacogenetics of pain receptors, signaling, and metabolism of pain medications
- Applying gene testing in analgesic clinical drug development
Organization: Xtalks Life Science Webinars 
Personalized Medicine: Genetic Testing for Predicting Opioid Response
Tue, Mar 22, 2016 - Tue, Mar 22, 2016
Online Webinar
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