Science Researcher Update

Personalised Cancer Medicine & Big Data Analysis - 7th International Conference of Contemporary Oncology

Written by Stela BCI | Feb 14, 2015 8:48:46 AM
Conference - Poznań, Poland
1. The Cancer Genome Atlas Project and Targeting Cancer Subsets
2. Cancer Biology and Epigenetics
3. Heterogenity of Cancer and Therapeutic Implications
4. Cancer Immunotherapy I
5. Cancer Immunotherapy II
6. Clinical trials with targeted therapeutics
7. Cancer Bioinformatics and Big Data Analysis
8. Integrating diagnostic approaches with targeted therapies for improved treatment outcome
9. Multidisciplinary Treatment of the Selected Tumor Types*
Translation of cancer genomics into targeted therapies and diagnostic biomarkers by a mean of the data analysis has landmarked new era on personalized oncology. On the other hand, the field of cancer immunology has again become an exciting place where basic science is having tremendous translational impact and cancer immunotherapy is at the brink of mainstream clinical practice. The concepts of the cancer stem cells, cancer epigenetics and metabolism, have deeply expanded our understanding on how cancer cells interact with its niche and microenvironment.
In recognition, the Polish Oncology Consortium, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, and Institute Gustave-Roussy in Paris are pleased to announce a symposium focused on the exciting field of cancer genomics, personalized oncology, and immunotherapy. We will bring together academic and industry researchers, and clinical oncologists together to explore how genomics and big data analysis impacts development of modern diagnostics and targeted cancer treatments. We aim to foster discussion on recent findings in cancer genomics, epigenetics, cancer stem cells, and new approaches in cancer immunotherapy.
On behalf of the Organizing and Science Committee we are pleased to invite you to participate in the Seventh Congress of Contemporary Oncology: Personalized Cancer Medicine and Big Data Analyzis
of the “Cancer – a challenge of the 21st century” series to be held in Poznan, Poland on 25-27th of March 2015
Organization: Termedia sp. z o.o.
Personalised Cancer Medicine & Big Data Analysis - 7th International Conference of Contemporary Oncology
Wed, Mar 25, 2015 - Fri, Mar 27, 2015
IBB Andersia Hotel
Plac Andersa 3, Poznań, Poland
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