Science Researcher Update

Next Generation Sequencing - Wellcome Trust Course

Written by Stela BCI | Feb 26, 2015 9:43:24 PM
Course - Cambridge, United Kingdom
Next-generation sequencing has become the premier tool in genetic and genomic analysis. This laboratory-based course is directed at scientists who will be generating and interpreting sequence information in their research and wish to gain a better understanding of the techniques involved and their applications. This course is not meant to replace the manufacturers’ training normally supplied with new instruments, nor is it intended to be a training course for those solely interested in next-generation sequencing bioinformatics.
The course will include theoretical and practical information on all of the next-generation sequencing systems available and those on the near horizon. The laboratory element will cover a mix of technologies that will be determined nearer the time, but will be chosen from platforms like the Ion Torrent, PacBio and Illumina Miseq / HiSeq. One aim of the course is to allow participants to make informed decisions about which technology to apply to solve specific research questions they may face in the future. A variety of applications will be covered as time permits, e.g., RNA-Seq, target enrichment, bacterial sequencing, cancer genomics, human variation analysis, etc. All the basic techniques of post-sequencing analysis will be covered, QC, alignment, assembly, variant calling, etc.
Organization: Wellcome Trust Advanced Courses
Next Generation Sequencing
Sun, Apr 12, 2015 - Sun, Apr 19, 2015
Wellcome Trust Genome Campus
Hinxton, Cambridge, United Kingdom
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