Science Researcher Update

Nanotoxicology - Potential Risks of Engineered Nanomaterials to Human Health and the Environment

Written by Stela BCI | Mar 7, 2015 2:12:41 PM
Course - Stockholm, Sweden
The course will include the following major topics: epidemiological studies of adverse health effects of particles; introduction to material sciences (physico-chemical characterization of nanomaterials); (eco)-toxicological studies (in vitro and in vivo assessment of nanomaterials); and risk assessment of nanomaterials for human health, as well as regulatory/legislative issues related to nanomaterial safety. The course will also provide illustrative examples of the potential applications of the nanotechnologies in medicine/biomedicine.
Organization: Karolinska Institutet, IMM, Institute of Environmental Medicine
Nanotoxicology - Potential Risks of Engineered Nanomaterials to Human Health and the Environment
Mon, Apr 20, 2015 - Fri, Apr 24, 2015
Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet
Nobels väg 13, Stockholm, Sweden
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