Science Researcher Update

2015 Conference on NAD Metabolism and Signaling

Written by Stela BCI | Jun 14, 2015 11:13:52 AM
Conference - Timmedorfer Strand, Germany
This FASEB Science Research Conference (SRC) focuses on Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) as it is more and more acknowledged as one of the central small molecules that connects cellular metabolism with signaling mechanisms, biological regulation and human disease. This innovative conference will cover the diverse roles of NAD and its derivatives in metabolism and cellular signaling. Six sessions are devoted to NAD-dependent enzymes and their roles in metabolism and physiology, in regulating chromatin and transcription, in genome integrity, and in cancer and other diseases. Signaling mechanisms involving NAD-derived second messengers as well as poly- and mono-ADP-ribosylation combined with chemical biology of NAD will complete the program. A main aspect of the 2015 FASEB NAD-conference will be to foster exchange of information and technology between researchers working on the biochemical, molecular, genetic and cell biological aspects of NAD and related molecules. Moreover, the 2015 FASEB NAD-conference will provide a unique venue for those researchers worldwide who are interested in the basic and translational aspects of NAD metabolism and signaling.
Organization: FASEB
NAD+ Metabolism and Signaling
Sun, Aug 09, 2015 - Fri, Aug 14, 2015
Maritim Seehotel
Timmedorfer Strand, Germany
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