Science Researcher Update

Genomic & Proteomic Approaches to Complex Heart, Lung, Blood & Sleep Disorders

Written by Stela BCI | Nov 8, 2014 10:18:13 AM
Course - Bar Harbor, ME, United States
This highly acclaimed course covers the application of statistics, molecular biology and genetics to the analysis of complex diseases such as asthma, hypertension and coronary heart disease. Both human and animal model data are presented and considered in depth.
Students learn to detect the genetic basis of disease, perform linkage analysis, conduct genome scans, analyze quantitative trait loci, detect gene interactions, map complex disease genes and clone genes. Emphasis is also placed on how to characterize gene function using the latest in biochemical and molecular genetic techniques. Contemporary approaches to gene discovery such as mutagenesis, microarray analysis, comparative genomics and SNP discovery and analysis are also covered. Social and ethical issues surrounding the generation and use of genetic information are discussed during the course.
Intensive hands-on workshops further expose students to the bioinformatics tools such as: Omim, MGD, Unigene, GeneBank, Blast, Gene-scan, SwissProt and Entrez.
This intensive course offers a mix of formal lectures, discussion groups, demonstrations, tutorials, and study sessions. The course is held in a retreat-like setting at The Jackson Laboratory's Highseas Conference Center, and is limited to 35 participants to ensure a supportive learning atmosphere with exceptional interaction between students and faculty. This residential interaction provides a unique and varied learning opportunity.
Organization: The Jackson Laboratory
Tue, Nov 11, 2014 - Tue, Nov 18, 2014
Highseas Conference Center
Bar Harbor, United States
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