Science Researcher Update

Genome Engineering 2015

Written by Stela BCI | Jul 23, 2015 10:27:22 AM
Conference - Hannover, Germany
SELECTBIO have the great honour of providing an exclusive conference on Genome Engineering at BIOTECHNICA/LABVOLUTION from 7-8 October 2015 in Hannover, Germany. 

With over 600 exhibitors and 12,000 visitors expected to attend BIOTECHNICA/LABVOLUTION, this will be a must attend meeting for all biotech researchers, developers and manufacturers. An ideal environment for facilitating talks between pharma, biotech, academic & institutional research, solution providers and industry stakeholders. At Genome Engineering emerging and established genome editing technologies, their discovery, development and application in key organisms will be discussed. Most notably, CRISPR/Cas9 and its therapeutic potential, but also including more specialised genome engineering tools and their future industrial applications.
Organization: SELECTBIO
Genome Engineering
Wed, Oct 07, 2015 - Thu, Oct 08, 2015
Deutsche Messe
Convention Center CC, Messegelände, 30521 Hanover, Germany
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