Science Researcher Update

GCC Pharmaceutical Congress

Written by Stela BCI | Mar 19, 2015 5:02:52 PM
Congress - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
As pharmaceutical care moves to a more patient- centred model it becomes extremely important to ensure an adequate and professional pharmacy practice. Pharmacists, on one hand, need to ensure maximum use of their skills by embarking on a culture of lifelong learning. On the other hand, it becomes evident that all members of the healthcare system need to cooperate to ensure planning, implementation and monitoring of a therapeutic plan that focusses on effective patient outcome.
Therefore and following last year’s successful platform, the GCC Pharmaceutical Congress reinforces the importance of collaboration and dialogue amongst policy makers, stakeholders, regulators and pharmaceutical experts. By sharing up-to-date information and highlighting key solutions with the ultimate purpose to drive the GCC pharmaceutical sector forward.
Organization: Maarefah Management
GCC Pharmaceutical Congress
Sun, May 03, 2015 - Tue, May 05, 2015
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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