Science Researcher Update

GCC Healthcare Innovation Congress

Written by Stela BCI | Nov 21, 2014 11:28:43 AM
Congress - Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
High population growth, increased life expectancy coupled with high mortality rate, prevalence of lifestyle related diseases and aspiration of high quality healthcare is putting pressure on healthcare providers to be more innovative and invest in providing high quality care and integrated services. With this in mind, the GCC Healthcare Innovation Congress will provide innovative strategies to improve the quality of healthcare delivery whilst reducing costs and assessing the latest medical and management technologies for improving patient care. The congress will bring all healthcare stakeholders together including healthcare leaders from health authorities, providers from both the government and private sector, public policy makers and investors
Organization: Maarefah Management
GCC Healthcare Innovation Congress
Mon, Nov 24, 2014 - Thu, Nov 27, 2014
Beach Rotana
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
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