Science Researcher Update

2015 CSHL Course on Eukaryotic Gene Expression

Written by Stela BCI | Jun 3, 2015 12:00:00 PM
Course - Cold Spring Harbor, NY, United States
The Eukaryotic Gene Expression Course is designed for students, postdocs, and principal investigators who have recently ventured into the exciting area of gene regulation. The course will focus on state-of-the-art strategies and techniques employed in the field. Emphasis will be placed both on in vitro and in vivo protein-DNA interactions and on novel methodologies to study gene regulation. Students will make nuclear extracts, perform in vitro transcription reactions and measure RNA levels using primer extension. Students will isolate transcription factor complexes and assess their activity in functional assays. In addition, students will learn techniques for the assembly and analysis of chromatin in vitro. This will include transcription assays, chromatin footprinting and chromatin remodeling assays.

Over the past few years, the gene regulation field has developed in vivo approaches to study gene regulation. Students will learn widely used techniques such as qRT-PCR and chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP). They will also use RNAi for specific knock-down experiments. Determining cellular gene expression profiles has been accelerated tremendously by microarray and sequencing technology. Students will receive hands-on training in performing and interpreting results from microarrays, ChIP-Seq, and RNA-Seq data sets.
Organization: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Eukaryotic Gene Expression
Tue, Jul 21, 2015 - Mon, Aug 10, 2015
CSHL Campus
Cold Spring Harbor, United States
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