Science Researcher Update

EMBO Practical Course: In Vivo Plant Imaging

Written by Stela BCI | Jan 27, 2015 2:42:00 PM
Course - Heidelberg, Germany
This course aims to teach the practical aspects of live-imaging plant tissues. Plants are quite different to animals in many ways. For instance they typically develop much more slowly and cells do not migrate. Their overall morphologies are also very different and the presence of cell walls presents challenges optically. Over many years, certain laboratories have developed specialized imaging techniques optimized for plants. However despite these advances, the adoption of these techniques by the wider plant research community has been extremely limited. This course aims to teach these specialized techniques to help promote their wider adoption.
The course will cover the physical preparation of samples from different parts of the plant as well as time-lapse imaging strategies and image analysis approaches and uses. The main practical themes will include confocal imaging of developing shoot meristems and leaves, light-sheet imaging of roots, in vivo imaging of calcium and pH and kinetic microscopy techniques, such as FRAP and LIM-FRET. However we will also present lectures on many other related topics such as image segmentation, modeling and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM).
Organization: CCO EMBL
EMBO Practical Course: In Vivo Plant Imaging
Mon, Mar 09, 2015 - Sun, Mar 15, 2015
Advanced Training Center
EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany
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