Science Researcher Update

EMBL Introductory Course: Laboratory Animal Science

Written by Stela BCI | Mar 3, 2015 12:06:43 AM
Course - Monterotondo, Italy
This is a revolutionary course within the scientific community as it awakes a new wave of consciousness regarding animal welfare and quality research. The vision is to train a new breed of scientists with acute awareness of what humane research actually means. It breaks with tradition in the fact that it trains participants not only in the passive acquisition of knowledge, but in the active process of critical thinking. The fundamental principle the course aims to promote is that the experimental outcome of research strongly depends on the humane treatment of the laboratory animals.
Organization: CCO EMBL
EMBL Introductory Course: Laboratory Animal Science
Mon, Apr 13, 2015 - Fri, Apr 24, 2015
EMBL Monterotondo
Monterotondo, Italy
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