Science Researcher Update

eCM Bone and Implant Infection

Written by Stela BCI | May 12, 2015 2:10:00 PM
Conference - Davos, Switzerland
One of the most common and serious complications associated with the implantation of a biomaterial into a biological system, such as the human body, is bacterial infection. This issue is especially overlooked in the fields of tissue engineering and biomaterials. These infections usually involve bacterial colonisation and biofilm formation on the implant itself, though infections may also develop in the surrounding tissues. This conference aims to bring together microbiologists, biomaterial scientists, trauma surgeons, tissue engineers and cell biologists to focus on the latest research in bacterial pathogenesis, biomaterial strategies to reduce these infections and the host response to implant related infections. A special focus will be on orthopedic and trauma related infections. The outcome should be an increased understanding of the topic and a fostering of the interaction between scientists and clinicians.
Organization: Thomas Fintan Moriarty
eCM Bone and Implant Infection
Wed, Jun 24, 2015 - Fri, Jun 26, 2015
Congress Center Davos
Davos, Switzerland
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