Science Researcher Update

Design and Analysis of Genetic-based Association Studies

Written by Stela BCI | May 12, 2015 2:41:00 PM
Course - Hinxton, Cambridge, United Kingdom
This Advanced Course aims to give researchers involved in disease studies a firm grounding in the use of the latest statistical methods and software for analysis of genetic association studies. The course will cover both theoretical and practical aspects of the design and analysis of such studies. Each topic will include a lecture followed by a practical session in which state-of-the-art statistical software will be applied to relevant datasets. The practical sessions will illustrate the ideas presented in the lectures. All the software used will be freely available so skills learned can be applied after the course. Applicants should have a strong quantitative background (including some familiarity with statistics, mathematics or bioinformatics), a reasonable level of computer literacy and should currently be engaged in relevant research. A basic knowledge and understanding of genetics (both molecular genetics and concepts of inheritance/heritability) will be assumed.
Organization: Wellcome Trust Advanced Courses
For more information, please visit:
21 September 2015 - 25 September 2015
Wellcome Trust Genome Campus
Hinxton, Cambridge CB10 1SS, UK
Contact: Advanced Courses (
Phone: 01223 6910
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